Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Baby Artery!" / Week Three!

Week three of a family of four has been a sweet one. 

Here are our girls together!

Clara still can't get enough of Audrey...

Here she is kissing her knee.

And staring at her.

And touching her ear.

And screaming "Hi Baby Audrey!" at her face.... 

Also, when we first introduced the idea of Audrey to Clara, she pronounced her name "Oggy." Now, she likes to pronounce every syllable so it becomes "Ah-duh-ree" or said quickly, "artery." So we also like to call baby Artery :D.

Hi sweet girl!

Since her belly button fell off, Audrey got her first bath! Here she is post bath, where half a second later, she both pooped and peed on me... :T.

Lots of sleeping pictures!

Here's our jie jie baby coloring in the lines at Great Grandma Peaches' Birthday Dinner!

And a passed out baby courtesy of Auntie Eupheme's skills!

Our first family outing to our local yogurt shop where the owners, a sweet couple, have watched the my pregnant belly grow, saw Shane taking care of Clara during the hospital stay, and now got to meet the baby! 

Circle of kisses!

Silly Clara! I love how you play!

Right before our Saturday BBQ with Grammy and Grampy!

Look at that sass! I love it!

With Auntie Lindsey!

 Audrey is now staying awake a little more, smiling her gas smiles (or real smiles??) and enjoying awake now sometimes now! Look at those open eyes!

More pictures of Clara holding Audrey!

And some pictures of Audrey smiling at Yeh Yeh!

More pictures of Clara being sweet with Audrey :)

And more hugs from Clara to Audrey!

And more pictures of Audrey sleeping :D.

 And another ...

Then we decided to take a quick family trip to the park! Look at the happy daddy and jie jie baby, swinging together!

Oh what a yawn!

Someone is a little grumpy...

But this one had a grand time at the park!

This one is almost smiling!

And taking naps (sometimes) in a mommaroo!

Two funny stories about Clara. One, she has taken to jumping up and down in the mornings whenever she gets woken up as if she's on a trampoline. She shouts, "What does a frog do!?!" "Ribbit ribbit!!" all while jumping up and down with the biggest smile on her face!

She has also been saying this phrase... "Mommy pick it up for you, kitty whoo!" She says it all the time, both without asking and now because we ask. We've been trying to figure out why and I finally remembered that several months ago, I told Clara I would pick something up for her ("Mommy will pick that up for you") and when I bent down to get it, I got startled by our kitty, Sophia, and said, "kitty whoo!" Months later, Clara still repeats it... and it's hilarious. We love our jie jie baby's antics!

As for mei mei baby, she is still a darling and sleeping well for a newborn. What little loves we have!!

And finally, because Mommy had to see her girls side by side... here are Clara and Audrey at two weeks old! 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wonder Woman / Audrey Week Two!

Another week has gone by and we are slowly adjusting to life as a family of four!

First though, we have a Wonder Woman in the house!

Oh yes, with sunglasses!

Daddy has been a rock star, taking Clara on so many fun outings. Here they are on a nature walk/hike in our neighborhood!

I love the look of joy on Clara's face! She loves to hold Audrey and asks to hold her and kiss her all the time! When Audrey is sleeping, she asks to look at Audrey just to check on her. And when she is crying, she tries to give her a pacifier. What a sweet big sister!

We've taken out some of Clara's old baby toys, like this tummy time mat. She thinks it's hers, but she is very gracious and lets Audrey use the toys too, sometimes...

Sleepy girl!

And sleepy daddy :). Shane is actually posing for this :P.

Look at these tiny feet!

More sister bonding time!

With Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai

First time in the baby wrap!

Just like Clara, Audrey seems to like it!

Shane asked Clara to type her name... and this is what she did!

Yes, she sleeps a lot :).

More sister time!

And then we have our Easter pictures!

Tiny booties!

 And finally, Shane trying to show how small Audrey is compared to his hand.

This is Audrey holding mommy's hand!

And another adventure with daddy, this time at the Safari Park!

Wow look how close that tiger is!

And some ice cream to round out the day...

 And finally, Audrey, a bright beautiful two weeks old!

Baby girl has been a champion sleeper as far as newborns go, and has delighted Clara to no end! She survived a four hour newborn photo shoot this week and her belly button stump fell off today! Audrey also gave me this sweet sleeping smile during her early morning feed.

What a week with two sweet girls!