Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sweet Baby Girl!!

Sweet baby girl is finally getting some hair! I know it's not much, but it's a lot for her!!

Xinyi is just getting sweeter and sweeter. She loves to cuddle and give hugs now. And she loves to give those wet open mouth kisses! She also has her tiny tot temper though! When she doesn't get her way she likes to squeal and squirm! On a sillier note, Mommy still loves to put things on baby's head, this time it's pants :).

Xinyi is sitting and reading a book to herself!

And here is Grammy playing Peek-a-boo Barn with baby, too!

Yay for cousins!

Selfies with mommy!

And we watched daddy's softball game on Monday night, too! She had a blast walking back and forth and back and forth...

Smile for the camera!

And yesterday, we took a beautiful stroll through Descanso Gardens! Side by side picture next to the same tree, one year apart! The same furrowed eye brows and squinty eyes!!

Tiny tot is now very demanding, wanting everything mommy has, all the time. This time it was the water bottle, but it couldn't be closed, no it had to be open, and she had to get every last drop out, even if it meant spilling all over herself!

Sweet girl, we love you so!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

So many smiles!

Another week of adventures with Xinyi, and it was filled with so many smiles!

We had another playdate at Caterpillar Indoor Playground with mommy and me friends. She loved the cars and trains!

But she loved the floating tent more :). If you could only hear her happy squeal!

This car is meant to be pushed by baby!

They even had a bounce house for babies!

And of course, my little girl found a kitchen!

Then, Xinyi got dressed up in a hand-me-down from Gem, all ready for a Saturday to play!

We had a busy weekend, leading to a sweet sleepy baby!

And on Valentine's Day, baby girl sported another MaeLi Rose skirt!

And a full shirt of food!

She's learning to stack blocks, 4 high at this point, and loves fitting mega blocks together! She still loves to read to herself, and now brings books to us all the time for us to read to her :). We frequent many different library story times together where we discovered her love for bubbles! She can say "bub bul" (bubble) and says "Beeeeyyy" for ball!

Love you baby girl!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Little Dresses and Cute Outfits

This week was a fun one! I put Xinyi in lots of little dresses now that she's walking! I love how cute she is!!

First, we had a playdate with some mommy and me friends! She turned the wheel like she was really driving!

Next, I put baby in a MaeLi Rose dress for Mommy and Me! All the mommies loved that lace!

Then on Sunday, I put her in another grey dress, one of Gemma's hand me downs, I think :).

As baby has turned 13 months, she has started displaying signs of separation anxiety, especially at church on Sunday mornings. It's totally normal, and I take the snuggles whenever I can get them! She is usually far too busy to snuggle with momma :).

Here is baby sitting in a little kid chair with her Queen Victoria shirt, also from MaeLi Rose :).

We got to see Auntie Alicia at Ding Tai Fung! Xinyi got a bowl and a plate and banged them ceremoniously together until I took it away. She had so much fun up until then! 

Then, polka dots forever!!

Then yesterday, Nai Nai came to visit on Chinese New Year! Thank you Nai Nai!!

Okay world, thank you for checking up on me! Baby says, "I love you!"

Friday, February 5, 2016

"Ah Ah"

"Ah ah" is Xinyi's version of "Uh oh!" -- taught to her by Grammy! She also learned how to stand up from sitting this week! She's gotten quite good at it! Before she always needed to lean on something to support herself, but now it's from sit, to squat to stand! And then off so goes, little miss independent!

This one is blow kiss!

Baby's got quite a vocabulary too... so I decided to make a list for myself... here it goes:
Yah! (Yes)
Yayayaya (Yeh Yeh)
Nanananana (No)

She understands:
Bye bye
How big are you? So big!

Sign language
Blow Kiss
All done
She's working on water, she mainly blows kisses because they look similar!

She's figured out how to pull apart velcro, work zippers, and loves to chase balls. She also loves to pull off socks and throw them about for mommy to pick up. She also likes to throw fits and cry with her mouth wide open when she doesn't get her way!

We were able to visit San Diego this past weekend and Xinyi had a blast with both sets of grandparents. Thank you so much for taking care of her!!

Playtime with Nathan!


Playing dolls with Gemma and Daddy :)

Hanging out with Archie!

Yay for visits with Great Grandma Peaches and Great Grandpa Chuck!

We also took baby to the zoo! She's finally decided the stroller is awesome and when we took her out so she could walk, she would walk two feet and walk back to the stroller and whine to get back in! Haha! She's finally figured out that it's a pretty sweet ride!

Baby kangaroooos!

and baby koalas!

And a tiger!

Mommy also took baby to Kidspace Museum! Crawling through a tunnel!

And sitting in a pea pod!

You light up our lives, little girl!