Friday, July 27, 2018

Words, words, and more words.

You see that shoe right there? The one sitting in the cup holder? This is the day I lost that shoe. I was really sad and am really sad about that, because that shoe was worn by Clara and then Audrey and it was both their first shoes for walking. Unfortunately, Audrey loved taking off these shoes and I would usually catch her doing it. But not this day. Sadly, the shoe is gone forever.

Here is Audrey being silly :).

And mommy being silly with Audrey's hair.


Clara drew a line on her face while practicing letters... so Shane drew a kitty cat face on her!

This is the morning Shane and I went to play music for church and left both girls soundly asleep at 5:30am. They were sleeping in the same position. It was beyond adorable.

Swimming at Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh's!

Rapunzel hair for my princess!

Sticky hands and chocolate face.

Audrey's first movie! $1 moviiieees

More swimming! Well, splash swimming.

Sweet face!

With some help form Grampy, Shane made us a reading nook! Also, Clara put her dolls to sleep on the mat in front of the reading nook.

Clara at the real splash pad!

Sweet Clara's hand print!

Sea World fun!


Little book lovers!


Oh the face Audrey makes when she gets pen taken away from her :(

Playing so hard she fell asleep on the way home.

Sisters trying to escape together!

And watching baby hippos together.

And eating popcorn together.

Look at that face!

Riding her train! Well, waiting for someone to push her. Her legs are up for that reason :).

More bows in her hair!


I didn't get any pictures of the Legoland Water Park because it was all water and I didn't want to break my phone... but she had an absolute blast. Clara pulled this on herself and said, "I'm a mermaid lounging on the sun chair at the water park!" She had so much fun going down big slides, one was 2 stories high and she was in line with 5-10 year olds... my little brave 3 year old!

Audrey saying "coffee!" She has so many words now. She has always communicated really well, but she is now next level with her words. She knows a ton of words that I didn't know she knew and she knows how to use them. Today, she brought me a box she had put a toy in, she shook it a few times and said, "Want. Open." and handed it to me. When I ask her questions about food or water or milk, she nods her head yes or no. She is emphatic when I try to push something on her that she doesn't want. When she does want something, she just repeats "Want want want want want" and I ask her to say please so she says "Peas Peas Peas Peas." Today, I gave Clara a potty incentive (candy) without saying anything to Clara or saying the word candy, Audrey looks at it and says "Can-dee". Earlier that day, she looked at the coffee cup I had bought and said, "Coh-feee". She just knows so much and she blows our mind.

Clara also is amazing, she knows at least 20-30 sight words, and knows all about Star Wars (Daddy's influence) and I like to teach her big words for fun (archipelago for example). She can say them all perfectly and sometimes knows what it means. She and I are enjoying her summer without school. We play lots and have lazy mornings and her and Audrey fight a lot. We love it all. Our girls make everything go round for us.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Hikes, Night Markets, Dance, and Last Day of School

Little Miss Polka Dot on her way to somewhere...


Clara wrote this!

Clara's last day of tap/ballet with Miss Caree!

The Audrey Face!

Gemma loves Audrey!

Father's Day Brunch :)

Clara's Father's Day art from school!

A Father's Day Hike!

Clara painting at school

Audrey playing at the beach

The night market!

 It was busy...

At the dessert shop instead

Daddy pitching at the baseball game!


Dance Class 2.0! This time ballet only

Ahh the hair!

Sadly the last day came and she's grown so much!

Clara with her Frog Class teacher, Miss Pam!

Costco trip with Grammy!



Park Picnic with friends!

 So cute!

Making some "chocolate soda cake"

Look at that sass in the back!

All by herself during rest time! That's a 48 piece puzzle!


The shape sorter with Great Grammy!

Drumming at the library!

Watering plants together <3

The girls are playing side by side so well now a days (with of course lots of fighting in between) but it's super sweet to see the new stage they are in now that Audrey is officially out of babyhood. <3