Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Xinyi is just too much fun! She learned how to say "hi!" this week, it's long and drawn out and sounds like "Hiiiiiiieeeeeee!"  She also waves when you say hi or bye to her!

She also has become fiercely independent, wanting to do everything for herself, including eat with a spoon! She's sort of okay at it! She mostly dips the spoon into yogurt and then licks it!

Baby has mastered the stacking ring toy, thanks to help from Nai Nai!! She also claps for herself when she finishes stacking the rings! Puzzles are still slightly out of her mental reach, but not for lack of trying!

Xinyi loves to put things into other things and reads to herself and is just so cute. Yesterday, I asked her to bring me a book, she stood up, walked to the basket of books, and brought me a book! Who knows if she understood, or maybe she just knows the word book, but I was surprised and delighted! We will keep trying!

Now for some pictures:

Thanks to Nai Nai for driving up to help mommy this week! Being sick is no fun when you have a tiny tot!

Oh yes, baby had her first encounter with crayons and drawing! She did great! Until she tried to eat the crayon. She did a similar thing with stickers... She played so well... Until she tried to eat the sticker...

Xinyi is so sassy and so happy!

So full of joy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Baby girl is getting so big! She learned to sign "milk" this week, asking for cow's milk all the time! We're so proud of her for picking up on baby sign language so well! She can sign "all done" and "more" and "milk" and shakes her head yes and no! We're working on "water" and "please" and "thank you!" She can say "mama" and "dada" and "duck" and "kitty" and "nononono" and points to the lights when I ask her where is the light? 

But so far, her favorite thing, thanks to daddy, is blowing raspberries!

Look at the face of joy and accomplishment!

She loves to read books to herself still...

And wanders around the house with random objects...

But most importantly her new bear case from Auntie Sophie!

Gemma and Grammy and Grampy came to visit on Saturday for daddy's birthday!

And we took a stroll in Descanso as well :)

Xinyi walks so well and shows off her superhero cape whenever daddy remembers to put it on for her!

She is so sweet and so silly, just like daddy!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Play dates galore!

It's been a fun week of play dates and more play dates! 

First, baby got to go on a big girl play date with mommy and her friends! She had a sliced banana along with various bits of French toast and strawberries!

Selfie fun with daddy!

On Sunday, daddy got commissioned at church! Yay for family photos!

Then Monday was a play date at an indoor playground! Love these babies and mommas!

Then today another play date at Descanso! But with all the activity, boy was Xinyi tired!

Never mind, she's ready to go again!

Until next time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Aaannd she's walking, really walking!

Xinyi is a walking champion right now! She pulls herself up to standing and then turns from whatever object she used to stand, and starts to toddle! It's so fun to watch her really be mobile. She toddled halfway from our living room to the kitchen the other day and we just cheered her on! She veers towards the left when she walks and holds her hand out like a zombie. It's just adorable.

Baby girl also loves to jibber jabber to herself. She talks loudly to herself and to us, it's adorable! She also uses her hands to make our hands do things like iPads and she'll clap our hands together for us and she loves putting food in our hands!

We haven't had too many adventures this week because we've been coming down from a Christmas and birthday high, plus in the last few days, it's been raining. But we are enjoying our time with this little tot. Oh yes, she has started her tiny tot tantrums, today throwing herself face down on the ground because she dropped her own mum mum. Ahh, so it begins :).

Here are a few pictures from the week -- no weekly pictures from now on, and not sure if they will be weekly posts either... I think I'll try, but we'll see how it goes! This little one now demands full attention at almost every moment of the day! Love her so!