Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Twenty six weeks old!

Baby girl is half-way through her first year of life! Crazy! Twenty six weeks old!

She's had a fun week filled with lots of kisses from daddy, basket adventures, trying to crawl, and eating new foods! Baby tried chicken, mango, cheese and watermelon this week. She looved mango! 

Xinyi has decided to start making ducky lips out of the blue. They are very cute! She does it several times an hour!

She also loves to bang toys together, scoot around her playmat, and make silly faces. Her newest one is a fully closed eye grin! Too cute! She must be copying mommy's smile!

And look at that face, the Clara face! Ahh we love her so much!!!

Six months old!!!

Baby xinyi is six months old today! we can't believe she's been in our lives for so long!

She fills our lives with joy and laughter and lots of loud sounds! She is a little girl who knows what she wants and isn't ever afraid to express herself. We love her sweet and fiery spirit. Time has flown by!

She never stops moving, this little one! So much joy!!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Twenty five weeks old!

Xinyi is twenty five weeks old!

Baby discovered her friend the owl, as well as the camera today. 

Look at the drool!

This was a fun week - a week full of selfies, a baby shower, and Father's Day! First, we took some family selfies for fun :)

I love how Shane and baby made the same faces!! The last face has been deemed the Clara face.  She does it all the time right now :).

Then mommy took a baby and me Ergo selfie while baby was napping.

On Saturday, we had a blast at Eupheme and Gavin's Jedi Princess Baby Shower! It was complete with Death Star ice cream cake and x-wing and tai fighter cupcakes!

Death Star posters
And Star Wars m&m's

There was a Jedi training photo booth, too, with balloon light sabers!!

Baby loooves to let her mouth hang wide open when she is excited. Here she is with Auntie Judy!

And with mommy

Then Cat and I decided to eat baby's feet, yummy!

Then we had dinner with Uncle Ben, Aunt Christina, Cousin Nathan, and my dad!

The next day we celebrated daddy's first Father's Day with the Brengle side of the family!
Baby loves grabbing her feet! She loves sucking on her toes too!

Here's Great-Grandma Peaches

And Great-Grandpa Chuck

Xinyi loves her Starbucks, just like daddy! So cute!

Then we ended the great weekend with baby's first swim ever!

Baby loves swimming with daddy!

Gemma, Archie, and Xinyi with loving Aunties and Uncles!!

Then more family selfies!
So much fun, we love our little girl!!

As for new things this week, Xinyi tried pineapple, kiwi, grape & broccoli! Grape was her favorite! She's also sitting unsupported by herself for about 30 seconds to a minute! Sophia loves to investigate baby and they love staring at each other!

So now that you have more pictures than you ever needed to see of baby, we'll say goodbye until next week!