Thursday, June 14, 2018

Summertime & Whirlwind Theme Park Week

The last month has been full of lots and lots of and looots of theme parks... and a dance recital, and lots of little girl cuteness.

Clara's first trip to Legoland was with Grammy, Mommy, Gemmy and Archie! What a blast! 

This was her genuine reaction to seeing the fairy tale characters on a ride for the first time! 

And this is Audrey, also a genuine reaction, to a water bottle...



Audrey's first time at Legoland was a week or so later... she had a blast too!

Princess Leia hair with Princess Leia Lego Lady

Our 7th wedding anniversary!

Look at both those faces!!


Flamingo shirt on a flamingo chair. We've been hanging out with a neighbor in the afternoons lately, a little girl named Parker. She is 2.5 and her little sisterw as just born, and her and her sister are hapa too!

Backyard pool fun!

Gemmy loves Auds!

Audrey's first hair style :P

And then we began the week of whirlwind fun with my Esther in town! Here all three kids (my two, and my cousin's son Eli (3)) at Sea World!

Nate came a little later!

Backyard fun at Grammy and Grampy's.

Clara's dance recital! What a sweet smile! 

We don't have the video yet, but she was so great! All her practice at home and all her classes paid off, she was so well prepared and she said her favorite part of the recital was being on stage!

Audrey watched Clara dance and promptly wiggled her way to the back of the auditorium. At one point, she also laid on the floor.

Post recital picture! 

The next day was Gemma's 5th birthday party ... beautiful hair and nails!

 And then the next day, back to Legoland with Mommy's best friend Eupheme, and my cousin Esther and her son, Eli!

Clara did all these poses all by herself, it was super cute! 

And then the next day, while Clara was at school, Audrey and I met Esther and Eli at the zoo!

Baby hippo!

And on Wednesday, the last day Esther and Eli were in town, they came over for some backyard pool fun! 

It was a super fun week, so many theme parks! And I'm taking Clara to the zoo tomorrow, since she didn't get to go on Tuesday :).

Today, mommy got a mani pedi with Eupheme to spoil her and spend time with her before her second baby girl comes!

Audrey stayed with Nai Nai while Clara was at school, and had her own "school" session. She loves sitting at the "big kid" table!

What a fun month!