Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Holding hands and Baby A

"Hi! My name is Xinyi! I have a new puzzle book about fish! I'm excited!"

Yup, I'm pretty cute...

We had a nice lunch with Auntie Christina and Uncle Ben and Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh and Nathan!

Jie Jie baby has been obsessed with Finding Dory, so we borrowed Finding Nemo from Uncle Ben, and this was the result. Totally fixated.

We also borrowed Moana... similarly fixated!

We took a quick trip to the zoo with Cami and Miss Amy and the girls held hands!

Cami's mommy and I love watching these girls' friendships develop!

As for baby A, mommy asked daddy to take some pictures of her giant belly... for posterity.

This is on a trail near our home!

Daddy's pretty talented...

And mommy's belly button is sticking out.

Hi baby A! You can come out whenever you'd like!

Trying to mimic a picture that Auntie Christina took when I was pregnant with Clara!

And finally, my favorite, the older sister kissing the baby belly! (She promptly then faceplanted into mommy's belly... it was hilarious :D.)

Just about two more weeks, and our whole world is ready to turn upside down again, in the best of ways! 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Clara say hi, hiii..."

This week has been a fun one! For one, Xinyi is speaking more and more on her own, without prompting and saying the silliest of things. Last night, she decided to talk to herself and while playing with her own toys by herself, said, "Clara say hi..." in her normal voice, and then immediately afterwards said, "hi" back to herself, but in a deep voice! She still loves to sing the ABC song to herself loudly during nap times and asks to "tell us a secret" and tells or asks us what all the different sounds animals make, all day, every day! We love it!

Now for pictures... More time for Xinyi in her new speed racer car!

And of course, some fun time at Gymboree! Xinyi looked at me and said, "Take a picture!"

More silly fun with Yeh Yeh while mommy and daddy caught their first movie of 2017. (Which was also their second movie of 2016 and 2017... :D).

Mommy and jie jie baby decided to get some smoothies, and Xinyi was so cute, mommy had to sneak some pictures in...

And of course, mommy loves to take pictures of Xinyi when she's sleeping in cute positions... :). Sorry, I can't help it!

As for baby A, we are at 37 weeks now! We had an ultrasound done last week to see how big she is. She about 6 lb 12 oz, give or take a pound, in the 68th percentile of 36 week old babies. Everything is looking good and we're just waiting and hoping she decides to come out to meet us early now! She's active as ever, kicking and moving and making it hard to sleep... but mommy is ever more in love her with every second of every day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"Thank you for George Washington..."

We pray with Xinyi every night and she's learned to say "Dear Jesus, Thank you for ..." and it's always a variety of things. One time it was, "Thank you for mommy, Clara, and Sophia." Last week, it was, "Thank you for Clara, and George Washington, and John Adams..." I guess learning the presidents is rubbing off on prayer time? :)

Here's Xinyi with Grampy and Daddy!

This week, it's been so hot that we've been playing with water outside a lot! She loves it!

On Saturday, Mommy got to go on a mommy without babies date with Auntie Eupheme! Daddy took jie jie baby to the park with Gem, Archie and Grammy Grampy!

That's a hug.... from Gem to Xinyi... a face hug :).

 More kite flying, and this time all initiated by Xinyi herself!

Then a trip to see Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh! Time to play piano!

Mommy decided to splurge on a Cozy Coupe for jie jie baby (and mei mei baby in the future!) Daddy worked really hard to put it together, and here she is!!

Time for some selfies!

Because of daylight savings, Xinyi has had some trouble napping. One day, from her room, we heard a loud voice shout, "I really really need a cookie, please! Pleaaasee!!!" From her Please book! Then yesterday, during naptime, Xinyi sang the ABC song at the top of her lungs for about 15 minutes... very cute and pretty close to on pitch!

Life is never boring with you jie jie baby, and soon you'll have a mei mei baby to love and play with all day too!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"Come on, let's go! Follow me!"

This week, Xinyi and I are all better! We also cut her bangs... by ourselves... :P.

She seems okay with the haircut though :).

Then we took a trip to the zoo! Daddy and jie jie baby holding hands!

We had some yummy Chinese food with Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh too!

And on the weekend, we celebrated baby A!

Delicious cookies made by Grammy's friend!

The next day, we celebrated cousin Ozzie's birthday. The girls played dress up!

Grammy with her two youngest grandbabies! 

And some precious afternoon snuggles for daddy!

We took a trip to eat at Hodad's! Yummy burgers!

And went to Balboa Park for the Train Museum too!

Xinyi is learning lots of fun things and really starting to say things on her own. This week, I asked her to tell me a story. Xinyi started reciting the beginning to her favorite book, "P is for Potty!" She said, "Today, Elmo and his little cousins..."!

Shane is teaching her the presidents right now. She has the first five down! He learned them when he was 5, I think she might be able to too :P.

Grammy got Xinyi a book called "I'm a new big sister!" She asks to read it every day, several times a day, and proudly exclaims, "I'm a big sister!"

Finally, Xinyi loves to look at me or at daddy and say, "Come on, let's go! Follow me!" or her other favorite, "Come play toys with me, daddy / mommy!" How can we resist!!