Friday, April 20, 2018

Sea World / Mommy Date with Clara

Clara is turning into such a sweet, wonderful little girl! I can't even say she's a toddler anymore. She is firmly into childhood. Mommy has been busy with Audrey turning one, and Auntie Christina offered us a free ticket to Sea World, so we went today and had a blast! It was just me, Clara, Auntie Christina and Nate! Audrey stayed home with Nai Nai so I could really focus and enjoy my sweet Clara.

She is really loving pretend play right now. Here she is feeding her lovey! She also loves to "flip pancakes and make eggs" for mommy and daddy.

Clara has been to Disneyland and to Sea World, but both when she was around 15/16 months old. This was the first time she really understood and enjoyed a theme park! Here she is on her second ride, one that goes up and down. Mommy chickened out :).

Here she is on her first ride with mommy! Watch how her face lights up when we start to really go!

The kids got pictures with Cookie Monster!

And some fun play time in the Sesame Street Play yard.

She also loved this fun play yard! She was running her hands around big tubes happily for a long time, going down rows and rows and rows. That is, until some big kid came in and started knocking those tubes all around. Then it got too crazy...

Clara's been really into sharks lately, she was so excited to see these jaws!

And they met a mermaid!

Oh and she got a churro :).

It was such a fun day! Ending with some more quality time with daddy <3.

I know there are a few of you who read this blog every week and look forward to Wednesdays to see pictures of the girls and see what we have been up to. Sadly, I won't be posting every week right on Wednesdays anymore. I'll try to keep posting here and there with fun pictures of what we have been doing though. Thanks for being on this weekly journey with us! Love you all!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Audrey & Her Unicorn Party

Audrey's first birthday party so much fun!

Audrey enjoyed her cake! But she was pretty tentative about actually eating it until mommy picked it up for her. Then she was excited!

I was shocked that her shirt wasn't dirtier than this!

Audrey also had her one year pediatrician's check up! The pediatrician said Audrey does a lot of things he doesn't expect one year olds to do. For example, she can follow commands like "High Five", "Clap Clap", "Blow Kiss", "Kiss Kiss", "Wave" ... She can also answer questions with words and sounds, "How big is Audrey?" "So Big" while she raises her hand! and "What does a puppy say?" "Oof oof" and What does a monkey say? "Ooh Ooh Ahh Ahh" She also knows where her nose and ears are! He said all of these usually come closer to 15/18 months. 

I also described how she can hold her own against Clara when battling over toys. He was also surprised by this! He said the younger siblings usually come out of their shell around 18 months and up. I said oh no, Audrey already holds on to toys and screams if Clara tries to take a toy she is playing with. She also pushes people away, their hands & faces if they are closer to her than she is happy with. She also throws down her sippy of milk because she's not a huge fan right now... :P

Finally, we were driving home from the pediatrician's office, she had received 3 shots, and had 3 bandaids on her thighs. Within a few minutes, I heard some upset shrieking from the back. Audrey had a bandaid stuck to one finger and was really frustrated she couldn't get it off. We were still in the parking lot, so I stopped and reached back and freed her hand. Then we kept driving. After a few more minutes, I heard more upset shrieking. Now she had one bandaid stuck to each hand and she was flapping her hands like a bird! It was soo funny to me, but she was not as excited about the bandaids :). We got them off but the mental image has stayed with me.

Audrey you are amazing and you have so much personality! Mommy loves you so much! Happy Birthday!