Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Merry Christmas! / Week 38

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! What a lovely time of year! We have continued in our sickness this week, and it's actually hit an all time high of wiping noses, coughs, crying, and poor sick babies and parents. But it's still Christmas, and we loved sharing the season with our girls and our families!

Clara is saying "cheese" :) on a morning before the height of her second round of sickness this month!

Audrey is waving hi too :).

Mommy loves braiding Clara's hair...

It's so pretty!

Audrey looks like she is up to something... :D

I wanted to send daddy a picture, but took a blurry one.

I took Clara on the Skyfari at the Zoo one day. She was pretty sick, thus the unhappy face.

And Audrey was sick in this picture, thus my unhappy face.

On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Clara demonstrated a newfound ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, at a moment's notice. Here, in the car on the way back from the zoo.

Here, on the couch, the same day, while eating jello.

And here, on the ground, on her new pillow on Christmas Eve.

Audrey got in on the sleeping fun too :).

On Christmas Eve, we spent a little family time opening presents with the girls. It was sweet!

Clara was pretty sick, so we did it all blankets and cuddled up.

Audrey was surrounded by toys, but she really just wanted the tissue paper you stuff into gift bags. She played with that for a good 5 minutes.

The day before, we had a visit from Santa at Grammy's house, while cookie decorating!

Hello little sheep / shepherd!

Here we go, Christmas day!

Poor sweet, sick Audrey cuddling with Auntie Lindsey.

Everyone together! 

And our best effort of the kids!

So today, the day after Christmas, the girls woke up looking like this.

Yes, every picture looks the same, except the last one I had to move them apart because Audrey wanted to grab Clara, and Clara didn't want to be grabbed. They were both exhausted and sick. And me too. So we stayed in jammies all day. It was pretty great.

 At one point, we went out for groceries. I put Clara's new boots on her and off we went!

Audrey went in her new toy car box. :D 

Side by sides, because I can never resist! Almost 12 months Clara, and almost 9 months Audrey. Sweet first Christmases for my sweet beautiful girls!

This was the best I could do! She moves so much now!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas decorating fun / Week 37

Sick again! As you can see on my sweet Clara's face. Those marks on her face are blueberry juice from frozen blueberries, smeared across her face... :)

Audrey is trying so hard to get to her knees and feet in her crib!

She can do her knees but her feet are too far away!

The other day, I went to Costco with the girls! They looved sitting together! So cute! Also, Audrey wanted everything Clara had.

So they both got graham crackers :).

Some days, Audrey doesn't want to sit in her high chair to eat breakfast. This was one of those days. She only wanted to sit with mommy <3.

Audrey may not be able to get to her feet by herself, but she looves standing when we put her up against the couch!

So here is sweet, sick Clara. Somehow, she got a bug round 2 :(.

And Audrey! My sweet Audrey, chewing on her toys!

And my friend from college, Paul! He liked playing with Audrey :).

We did some cookie decorating at home :). Clara was very excited when I told her she could put a few cookies on her plate... she put them all on her plate!

Daddy and daughter cookie decorating! But we can't wait for the real thing at Grammy's! This was just a very low key warm up!

Audrey in Clara's crib! She thought it was so fun!

Clara wanted to play with Audrey from outside the crib!

On Friday, Clara had her first preschool Christmas performance! Her class sang two songs and she was sort of into it, but mostly she was confused. It was adorable!

Mommy likes to take the girls on walks together. And take selfies.

We took the girls to a neighborhood in Poway that has great Christmas lights! I bought a beanie for Audrey because I forgot her little beanie. This was an adult beanie, but it still looked sooo cute on her!

And Clara in her cute bear jacket!

Double stroller for the win!

Oh that little face, just peeking out of the ergo!

Daddy and Clara watching Frozen on an outdoor projector! This neighborhood goes all out!

Family picture!

On Sunday, we did some gingerbread house decorating! Mommy bought a kit, because that is how she rolls. :)

Clara just wanted to decorate so she could lick the frosting off... see the plate with the non-assembled house... and the two cookies without any frostings or decorations. Those two cookies used to be decorated. Yes, they went in Clara's mouth :).

Oh yes, this morning, Audrey (aka Miss Grabby) thought mommy wasn't feeding her fast enough. Mommy had to take a pause to help Miss "I need a nose wipe mommy." And in the 15 seconds I was gone, the bowl hit the floor... and then Audrey got upset that her food wasn't in her mouth. :D

Audrey’s personality is just blooming! She is spunky and fun and determined!! Love her and her sister so!