Tuesday, January 27, 2015

One month (zuo yuezi 坐月子)

Xinyi turned one month today!  Since I just posted on her four weeks, I'll focus on something different for this post.

But first, another picture of baby girl!

During this last month, I participated in a modified version of the taiwanese/chinese tradition of Zuo yuezi” (坐月子), meaning sitting or doing the month.  The taiwanese/chinese concept, from what I understand, is that new mothers are very fragile post partum and the most important thing to do in the first 30 days is to recover physically and bond with the baby.  To do that, my mom came to help take care of the baby so I could sleep, cook traditional food that would both help me recover and help with nursing, and clean the house and do laundry so I wouldn't have to, all as part of zuo yuezi.  

Traditionally, as the new mother, you are not supposed to shower or eat "cold" foods or go outside for 30 days and a bunch of other things.  This is to prevent arthritis and cold joints and getting sick, so the custom says.  Your only responsibilities are to nurse the baby and sleep.  You can find a short article on the practice here: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/health/20140114/traditional-chinese-care-for-new-moms-known-as-month-of-confinement

My zuo yuezi experience, as I mentioned, was a modified version.  I definitely showered and went outside, but I also spent the majority of my time nursing the baby and sleeping.  In an amazing show of love and sacrifice, my mom really did help take care of the baby, cook, clean and help me recover for this whole month. And I had even more help from Shane every night and from Shane's amazing mom who came up a few weekends to help with a few more night times!  I honestly don't know how new moms do it without help.  And moms of more than one child, how do you do it all?  To all the mommas out there, you are incredible, no matter what amount of help you did or didn't have.  Newborns are hard to take care of!  Their needs are simple, but at least with Xinyi, she makes those needs known quickly and loudly and doesn't let up until she is happy.  Her pediatrician joked with us that she won't go hungry because she has a great set of lungs!  

As I mentioned in another post, I really thought I would know how to do this, be a mother to our newborn.  Turns out I didn't know quite how to do this, and I had a lot to learn.  Thankfully, I've learned a lot from my mom this last month.  When my mom first offered to help after the baby arrived, I gladly accepted because I've always heard take all the help you can get!  I didn't think I'd need a whole month's worth of help, but I just figured we would take it week by week and if at some point Shane and I had it down, we would take over without help.  It has now been a month, and I dread not having my mom around anymore.  I've also learned a lot from Shane.  He's much more level headed than I am, and keeps reminding me that babies are babies, they learn things and forget things, they cry a lot, and you just have to be patient with them even if they keep crying when you think you've satisfied all their needs.  I'm glad I get to keep him around :).

I originally thought the concept of zuo yuezi was meant mainly as a way to help with the physical recovery aspect of being a new mother.  I realize now that it's so much more than that.  It is the passing on of tradition, helps to teach the new mom how to care for a newborn, and it allows for a slower and much less overwhelming on ramp to new motherhood.  My mom told me that for both my brother and myself, she also had help from her mother and mother in law for our first months of life.  With my brother, she had her mother and my mother in law's help.  When I was born, her in laws (my paternal grandparents) even took care of my brother for a few weeks she could just focus on caring for me with the help of her mother without worrying about a rambunctious 3.5 year old!  My mom told me that it feels like a rite of passage to participate in zuo yuezi, her "grandmother's duty" and my dad told me it's just what taiwanese/chinese moms do for their daughters.  For me it's been a huge help to learn both how to care for Xinyi and how to be a new mom.  It's also been very special to hear stories of when my brother and I were babies and how my mom took care of us.  This month has given me a really unique window into my culture and my past and has made me so thankful for all mothers, especially my own.  I am also thankful for my dad, who has been without his wife for the last month!  And thankful for Shane's family who have visited and helped at every opportunity.  And always thankful for Shane, who constantly sacrifices and loves us girls.

Baby girl, you are so ridiculously loved :).  Happy one month!

Four weeks!

Four weeks have gone by, and my heart is breaking because our little girl has graduated out of newborn diapers and newborn clothing! :(!

This last week was a challenging one as Xinyi went through her first noticeable growth spurt.  That meant we had very little sleep as the our little girl decided she needed to eat every hour for about three days!  Due to some serious sleep deprivation, there is a noticeable lack of pictures this time :(.

But she is starting to smile back (or so we tell ourselves)!!  She still makes silly faces while she sleeps...

And we take every opportunity to put her in cute clothing,

Because why not, that's what babies are for, right?

Happy four weeks, baby girl, you are growing up too fast!

Oh, I also decided we needed to buy some bows for her, because let's face it, it can be really hard to tell if a baby is a boy or a girl at this age 😛.  As with everything new, Xinyi does not know what to think of her new bow :).  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Three weeks (it can't be!)

 Time flies too quickly, I can't believe Xinyi is three weeks old already!

(No more pictures mom!)

This last week has been a fun one, daddy turned 30, Xinyi started crying real tears, and she got her real first bath (none sponge bath)!

Daddy is the best at getting Xinyi to sleep... See how passed out she is?

Xinyi also met her cousin Gemma, unfortunately Gemma seemed more thrilled about the meeting...

And she keeps her eyes open longer now :).

And she doesn't quite know what to think of the baby swing...

Xinyi makes her mommy very happy!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

How Xinyi got her name

We've had Xinyi with us in the outside world for 17 days and a few minutes, and actually 19 days now -- it often takes me a few days to actually finish these posts as we take care of our newborns needs :).  While she was still snuggled up inside, Shane and I spent many hours talking about and ranking and re-ranking potential names.

One of my good friends asked me if we called our baby Xinyi or Clara.  The answer is both!  Clara is Xinyi's first name and we love it!  We also love her middle name, which is her chinese name.  We always hoped to expose our baby to mandarin, and always wanted her to have something tangible to ground her half Taiwanese identity in, and what better way to do so than with her name!  So we use both names interchangeably with her and for the blog, I just like using Xinyi :).

Choosing her first name was a fun adventure.  We wanted something unique, but easily pronounceable, that had a good meaning.  Shane also loves classic names.  Shane put the name Clara on the list early on, and after lots of other options came and went, Clara became our favorite.  We also watched a lot of Doctor Who early on during pregnancy and before, and Clara is the name of our favorite Doctor co-traveler :).

For her middle name, I really wanted Clara to have a chinese name.  I have a chinese name, and it is also my middle name, and it has been a great joy and very helpful to have in life.  Shane was gracious enough and excited with me to have a Chinese middle name for Clara.  We asked my parents to help us find a good name for her.  It's quite a ordeal to find a suitable name with the right characters and tones and number of strokes in the written characters.  Thankfully, my parents and grandparents were up to the task and suggested the characters for Xinyi.

The pronunciation of Xinyi is "Shin-Yee" and the loosely translated meaning is someone who brings joy.   However, each character has its own meaning.  The character for xin actually translates more into fragrant aroma (the same word used in the bible verse 2 Corinthians 2:15-16) and yi meaning joy and harmony.  The more literal translation of her name means (we hope) that Xinyi would be a person who being around would bring a fragrant aroma of joy and harmony.  She certainly has done so for us :).

Here's Xinyi, her daddy's birthday present!

And she has a turtle on her butt!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mooore pictures!!

The very talented Melissa Pilcher took more newborn photos of Xinyi for us on her 12th day of life!  The fact that she was overdue by 6 days and just pretty alert/grumpy made for an interesting photo session, and one that isn't your traditional newborn sleeping photos, but still fun nonetheless!

We just can't get enough of this little girl!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Two weeks!

Xinyi turned two weeks old today!!

She is now much more alert and much more demanding with her cries!  She is now 8 and a half pounds and full of goodness!

She still sleeps like a champ

Has adorable clothes

And makes the best faces!

She is the light of our lives!
And we have a lot of fun with her :).

P.S. This is me at two weeks!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New motherhood

When we found out we were having a baby, I ordered about 10 books off amazon to read about pregnancy, labor and delivery, and how to get your baby to sleep.  I wanted to be as prepared as I could be.  Truth be told, I only made it through about 6 of the books, and I'm not sure how much I remember from each of them.  I definitely gathered and gleaned information, but reading about something is very different than living it. 

Xinyi is two weeks old today!  The last two weeks have been the most trying, most challenging, most fulfilling, and most wonderful two weeks of my life.  Each time I hold her, I examine her little face, her little hands, her little feet, and every time it's perfect to me.  She is beautiful to me and I just love everything about her.  In a completely overwhelming way.  I want to do everything right for her, and many times, I feel like I don't know how to do it.  Sometimes I cry because I am overwhelmed by the love and fierce protectiveness I feel towards our baby.

The other night, I was up with Xinyi for six hours between 1 am and 7 am.  Around 5 am, she started crying inconsolably in between nursing sessions and I couldn't soothe her.  It broke my heart.  Her cries felt like daggers in my heart.  I woke Shane up to help me because I didn't know what to do.  Shane was amazing with her :).  I never thought I would struggle with soothing our baby.  I actually thought that with almost 15 years of childcare experience, I would have no problem caring for my own newborn.  Unfortunately, all my experience is with children 6 months to 13 years of age, and none of them were my own (even though I often thought of them as my own).  Shane tells me that all newborns cry and that newborns can't communicate in any way other than crying.  He said this is normal and you just have to try different things.  I heard him and knew he was right, but I also heard those cries and felt those daggers in my heart.  Fortunately, as Xinyi grows, we grow as parents too, and we are learning to soothe our little baby, and life is feeling more and more normal every day.

New motherhood is full of overwhelming emotions, sleep deprivation, and crazy mommy hormones.  But it is wonderful, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Here she is, truly the best of the both of us!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Pictures of Xinyi sleeping...

At the hospital

In the car seat during her first car ride home from the hospital

In daddy's arms

In her crib, so tiny!

Gas smiles during sleep :)

So cute!

With mommy 💜

Thursday, January 8, 2015

One week old!

Clara Xinyi turned one week old on January 7th!  In that time, she has managed to:

- steal our hearts
- be our late Christmas present 
- blowout many diapers
- be really cute
- not let mommy and daddy sleep
- meet Sophia, our cat, who is very unsure of this tiny creature who has now invaded her territory
- go for her first pediatrician visit
- and be really cute :)

Here are some pictures:

Under the Christmas tree:

She wasn't too happy about this whole arrangement.

Our hospital bands:

Holding hands with mommy:

Midnight sleeping beauty:

Cuddling with daddy (look how big Shane's hands are compared to her!):

Meeting Sophia, that's my mom holding Xinyi:

We are so in love!