Thursday, October 5, 2017

Audrey ~ 6 months old!

I cannot believe it has been half of a year with our little sweetheart. It feels like just yesterday that I was still pregnant with her. And driving down the 163 freeway always reminds me of our 5am drive to Mary Birch with me groaning through contractions and Shane driving fast, but slow and safe. Clara's pediatrician is located in the same plaza as Mary Birch. I drive past the turnabout where Shane parked, and where I stopped multiple times doubled over in contractions. It was like the movies, with less screaming... or maybe the same amount? You'll have to ask Shane.

The second time around, these first six months have felt like they have flown by. She was born, and I blinked and now it seems she is this close to crawling. It felt fast with Clara, but not like this. With Clara, the fastness of babyhood hit me when she turned a year. Maybe even later... But this time, with Audrey, it feels like it's flying by at super speed.

The newborn phase is such a physically challenging time. Especially as a double c-section mama. But that same physically challenging newborn phase is such a sweet, sweet time with this tiny beautiful newborn. Especially our Audrey, who was a sweet, easy, content newborn. She was kind to me, just like her middle name.

She continues to be kind to me, sleeping a good solid 12 hours a night, with a dream feed at 10pm. I now understand why some parents have kids back to back. With Clara, even after sleep training, I was still up with her twice a night until she was 10 months old. Sure those 15 minute nursing sessions didn't accumulate an enormous sleep debt for me. But I have trouble falling back asleep once I'm up, so not having to get up for those two, or even one, nursing sessions means I am sleeping well, and resting well. It is amazing what uninterrupted sleep does for me!

Our sweet, beautiful Audrey. She really does think Clara is the coolest thing in the world. She has the best cheeks in the family, round like little apples. I will be so sad when those sweet cheeks fade away into a more toddler face. I think that's what makes this feel so fast. I look at her, and I know, before long she will change just a little and move on to the next stage, and before I know it, she'll be Clara's age, and Clara will be even older! And it'll just keep going and going.

So I try to embrace both our littles while they are little. Even when Audrey is crying/screaming/mad she has a poop in her diaper (but I don't know it yet because) Clara is walking around banging her xylophone singing some toddler tune at the top of her lungs while I'm fixing dinner because Shane is coming home and I like to have dinner ready when he walks in the door and Sophia the cat is meow-crying at me because she's hungry too... Even then, I try to embrace the chaos and embrace my littles, because I know they won't be little for long.

Six months! It has just gone too fast. Our girls have our hearts, completely, and fully, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Happy six months, sweet Audrey Xinhui Brengle. Your cheeks are the apple of my eye :D! Just kidding, you and your sister are the apple of my eye!

Thanks for enduring your mama's photo shoot!

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