This week her pronunciation has taken a huge leap. She adds a word 'sunna' that she made up to a lot of her sentences and she asked, "Mommy sunna open the door." So I said, "What are you saying?" And we did that three times, and she finally said, "Mommy open the door please!"
Then, I gave her a little container and she studied it and then said, "What's inside?
Finally, I asked her whether she wanted grapes or an apple for breakfast and she said, "Neither."
She also does great making choices between two things. I asked her, do you want to stay home or go to Gymboree? She said, " Gymboree!!"
Here we are at Gymboree!
This week, big girl has been acting more and more like a big girl! One night, when I was making dniner, Xinyi was watching baby TV and pulled a blanket onto her own lap and set herself up with her milk and water! Such a big girl!
Nai Nai taught her how to do some Tai Chi while saying "exercise!" This is Xinyi smile after saying "excercise!"
Another thing she loves to shout is "Mommy pick me up!" The other night, she said to Daddy, "I love you!!!" perfectly clear. She's only ever said a muffled "I uv youuu"
Xinyi got a new basketball hoop for her birthday and one day daddy shot a basket and missed and baby shouted, "Daddy missed!!" Daddy was a little unhappy that was her reaction, but mommy thought it was funny!
Here is our big girl playing with blocks on her fingers!
Xinyi's pretend play is getting more real! The other night, she arranged her Little People in chairs around the table and said, "Eating dinner!" Then she takes the time to put them to bed and say, "good night!" and she makes the little people go around the house. So cute!
Because of the rain, we started taking more selfies again!
Yay sweet girl!
She kicked me today on accident and I said, "owie, that hurt's mommy." And she immediately looked at me, pet me gently and said, "Be gentle." She understands the correlation between not hurting and being gentle! I'm so proud!
I gave Xinyi a sweet treat, a blue M&M and it turned her tongue blue! You can't really see it, but it's so cute! She's trying to show me here :).
She looves wearing her jammies. She got a bunch of cute ones for Christmas and we transitioned her out of the sleep sack, so now she sleeps in jammies and lovesss it. The last few days, she has woken up and asked to stay in her jammies. I let her wear jammies one too many rainy days in a row and yesterday she woke up crying because I said we have to put clothes on today, we're going out. She got over it, but let's just say, this little girl loves her footie jammies!