Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sheep says "Baa! Baa! Baaa!!!"

Xinyi was a doll this week! First, we started the week with a short trip to Descanso gardens. It was beautiful!!

Baby girl no longer wants to be held, she wants to wander and explore by herself!

Notice the furrowed brow upon being placed in the Ergo :).

Xinyi received this piggy for her birthday, but only in the last few weeks has discovered she can take her piggy for a walk! And the piggy follow her! What joy!

Daddy and daughter!

Nai Nai came to visit! They read a new book together!

And played with bubbles :D - which Xinyi calls both "Buhbee" and "Babeee"

Nai Nai also bought a new backpack for baby girl!

And a giant stuffed duck! Here is baby giving the ducky a kiss!

And a face smush...

And a face grab...

And a downward dog smush...

And a big body crush... she loves this ducky!

As all babies do, Xinyi had a fall... this angry cry face was captured on Facetime...

So angry sad!

All better now... playing with a box!

Now, the rest of this post is more for me, since I know her pediatrician will ask me in a few weeks about her progress, so I just want to keep track! So feel free not to read the rest unless you want to know her words, sign language and ability to follow instructions :P.

Words she says:
Flower - wawa
Owl - wawa 
Ball - beh
Uh oh
Bubble - baybee or buhbee or sometimes even bubble!
Eeeeeee! Is her word for when she wants something

Sign language - she has learned please, which looks like her rubbing her belly, even though it's supposed to be a circular motion over the middle of one's chest, so silly!

Daddy also taught her to salute, which looks more like Xinyi hitting her own head repeatedly... we'll work on that.

Things she does:
Points to her nose and eyes
What does a cow say "voo!"
What does a sheep say "baa!!!"
Then she walks around shouting baa baa baa!!!

Words and sounds she imitates:
fish - dish
Cheese - chish
Apple - baba
Turkey - dirkee 
Chicken - ticken
Poo Poo (self explanatory)

Instructions she follows:
When I ask her if she wants to go somewhere she says ya and then walks over to the baby gate and waits for me to open it for her!

When I ask her to kick during bath time, she kicks her feet! Even if she was just happily playing with her rubber ducky, she will stop to give several seconds of furious kicks!

When I ask her to turn off or on the light, she hits the light switch!

When I ask her to bring me a book, she toddles over to her book basket, pulls one out, toddles back, turns around and backs up to my lap and sits down! Then she flips pages like a maniac, looking only at the pictures :).

When I ask her to take her dolly for a walk, she puts her dolly in the stroller and starts pushing her around!

When I ask her to take her piggy for a walk, she takes her toy pig on a string and drags it around the house.

She gives hugs to people when I ask her to. For example, she gives all her grandparents hugs when I say, "Go give Grammy a huggie!" And this week, Nai Nai brought a big stuffed animal duck for Xinyi which she gives huggies and kisses to! She also gives huggies and kisses to her dolly! Such a sweet loving girl!

So sweet and so happy!

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