Monday, November 30, 2015

Eleven months old!

Eleven months old! It can't be! Xinyi is so big and so sweet!

Here, baby is thinking, "Okay, I will pet my owl..."

"Wait, there is a camera!"

"Hello camera!!!"

"I'm so happy!"

As a side note, the end of Thanksgiving signals Shane and my favorite time of the year, Christmas time!

Xinyi got a little taste of Christmas when we put up our tiny tree, a tester tree to see if she can handle the big tree! We will see :).

Every year, we buy two new ornaments for the tree. This year, we have the two best new ornaments! Xinyi's handprint and footprint from one week old!

Happy eleven months baby girl! You are getting sooo close to one year old! We love you so!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Forty seven weeks old!

Xinyi was cute as always this week!

First, mommy ordered a custom lovey from Etsy that incorporated three of baby's onesies when she was a newborn. I'm trying to introduce it ... she seems to think it's okay so far :).

She's trying so hard to walk, but still hasn't gotten the balance concept quite yet... no pictures of that, but here's a picture of her at Mommy and Me!

And a picture of her handprint pine cone turkey craft!

Baby's been such a tired girl too, from all the new things she's learning how to do. Here she is sleeping sweetly and soundly.

Some of the new things we have noticed are that Xinyi:
 - "reads" books to herself while she plays
 - takes off her socks and tries to put them back on... granted she just places the sock on the top of her foot and then it falls off and she does that over and over again, but she understands the concept!
 - loves trying to copy any sounds that we make in her own special way. It all usually comes out as "babababa" :)
 - helps to put on her own clothes! When mommy puts her arm through a sleeve, she pushes it all the way through, then holds out her other arm for the other sleeve!
 - kicks her little feet on the ground when she is happy. Then when mommy and daddy copy her, she becomes even more happy!!
 She is still our little Miss Saran Wrap, though!

Here is baby reading to herself!

Daddy took momma and baby to Descanso and we found a baby bench! Too cute!

Blow kiss!

Up to daddy!

So big!

Finally, we had a playdate with Micah this week, another hapa baby from our church :D.

They played so well together!

Xinyi cracks us up - last night we put a Taylor Swift song on our TV and she started clapping. Taylor is her favorite artist for sure! She rocks back and forth on her butt to the music. She's just so excited about life!

You are growing up so fast little one! We love you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Forty six weeks old!

Forty six weeks old! Xinyi is such a big girl!

We had a busy weekend attending our church's conference so unfortunately we don't have too many pictures. Baby was in the nursery almost more than she was at home (except for sleeping) between Friday and Sunday! She did so great, we are so proud of her! Here's our cuddlebug!

Daddy has started calling Xinyi a new nickname -- "Saran Wrap, known for its static cling." It's a pretty accurate nickname. This week, baby has been very clingy... very, very clingy.

Here she is saying hello to daddy!

Baby still loves to blow kisses, but now she also loves to clap, and knows "how big are you?" When we ask "How big is Clara?" Baby lifts up her hands to say, "Sooo big!"

"Soooo big!!!" Miss "so big" also knows how to smile when asked to smile! She's also learning to sign for "more" and "all done." So smart!

Here is Xinyi giving open mouth kisses to momma!

More kisses! They are very slobbery... but I wouldn't trade them for anything!!

Little miss big girl also has started to throw tantrums when she doesn't get her way... this week most of her tantrums were caused by mommy or daddy putting baby down when she didn't want to be put down.

She just wanted to be everywhere we were!

Family selfie!

Oh but how we love our happy girl :).

Thank you to Auntie Carrie for always giving us such cute clothes for baby! (The pants are Mae Li Rose!)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Family Photos!

A few weeks ago, Xinyi's wonderful Grammy and Auntie Lindsey arranged for us to take pictures together! We had a blast in the park and baby girl hammed it up for the camera! Here are some of my favorites!

Xinyi was so happy and smiley during the photoshoot up until we put her on grass! She instantly burst into tears! So we tried concrete... slightly better... but still not happy :P.

I love this series with Grammy and Gemma. It shows how much Xinyi loves Gem. She can't keep her hands off her!

Such beautiful pictures! Thanks again Grammy and Auntie Lindsey!