Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Two Easter Egg Hunts & Stroller Walking / Week 51

Look at this face! She is very concerned about the Roomba I am running. She was cruising along the couch when I turned it on, she cried hard. Then I picked her up and her face did this. Then I put her down and she wanted to walk right up to it, even though it was running. Then she followed it around the room. She's a brave one!

Clara playing (sort of) with her new golf set!

Audrey's feet are always up in her stroller! So silly!

Selfies with mommy!

We had a nice playdate at the Space Museum with Eli and Jude (not pictured) and Miss Julie!

We even played in a tunnel made out of tape!

Audrey's getting really good at stacking blocks!

And also good at walking with the help of a toy stroller!

We did our first Easter Egg Hunt of the year, first of four... with our friends! This is Mirae, they are in school together and Bible Study too!

At home, Audrey helped us with the laundry :).

And being cute.

Clara was whining in the back, and then I heard her say, "I want Audrey to hold my haaand" and looked back to find this <3.

Sweet Audrey is enthralled with Great Grammy!

Selfies with Daddy!

Nai Nai took Clara to Sea World for a very short trip, mostly to redeem the Preschool Pass!

Clara helping Great Grampy with gardening :).

We watched Archie and Gem's Passover performance! Proud Auntie!

At pickup, Clara was sitting with her friends :).

And here's our second Easter Egg Hunt with our Wednesday play date group! Love these mommies and their kids!

The kids lined up so nicely! The eggs are all out on the field, and they sat nicely waiting for us to count down for them!

Clara really understands this year, she was one of the first ones out!

This playground is so fun!

Selfies with mommy :), more selfies!

At home, Audrey just wants to play outside.

And Clara wants to play the guitar!

Sweet Audrey and her smile!

Sisters swinging together :).

Week 51! Only one more week until one full year? You are full of personality and spunk. You shriek at your sister sometimes, especially when she is holding on to a toy you also want. You have no problem holding your own with her. We're still teaching you not to push people on the face, because you do that to sister when she is trying to give you a hug! You love to clap, give kisses, and wave to everyone who stops to tell us how cute you are. You also so amazing and we all love you so much!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Clap Clap! How Big Are You? Uh Oh! / Week 50

I forgot today is Wednesday! In just a few days, Audrey has learned some new fun tricks! She learned to clap all in one day! One morning I saw her trying to bring her hands together, and we worked on it, and by the end of the day she was clapping! She now loves to clap for everything. She also learned that same day how to put her hands up in the air when we ask her how big she is! She also learned today how to mimic "uh oh" because she kept dropping stuff over the side of her crib :). When she is ready to learn, the girl learns fast!

Oh and one more thing to add to Clara's picky eating repertoire! Grilled cheese!

We also found a tortoise in someone's front yard... met a neighbor in the process... who also didn't live there. And yet, how can you stop 3 year olds from exploring a tortoise!

Swinging at the park!

Clara "sleeping" in mommy's bed.

Audrey being cute! I only got her to look at the camera by putting a fry in front of it!

Clara focused on her food.

With Yeh Yeh!

Cutie pie on piano!

With sister!

Audrey got a hold of a green marker. She ate it. Whoops. Also, I asked Clara to take it from her because I was being lazy. Clara got a hold of it, Audrey gripped harder, Clara pulled harder, Audrey screamed at Clara, Clara screamed back at Audrey, and Clara finally won due to sheer size difference. Audrey will not be pushed around. :D

My butterfly!

We are at Costco in this picture... she's listening to the player piano play Let it Go from Frozen. We stood there for a good 5-6 minutes.

The cheeks!!!

Audrey's top teeth are trying to push through, so she's gotten some Tylenol here and there. She really likes the syringe thing. Like a lot.

This is what happens when I take it away.

Clara painting!

She wore her Butterfly Wings to the store. :)

With Grampy!

In ballet class!

And Shane put this on Audrey and brought her to me saying, "Look it's Queen Elizabeth!"

Matching tattoos for us three! We bribed Clara to let us put it on her, and then she immediately burst into tears when it didn't rub off. Poor girl...  

Having dinner at Tai Yeh Yeh and Tai Nai Nai's new place!

At storytime, Clara sat in the little square where I put her for far longer than any of the other children. She is quite amazing <3.

Oh hi mom. :)

We were gifted a bunch of play dresses... they are all Disney princesses, from the Disney brand... along with crowns and wands and wings and shoes.

Needless to say, Clara is over the moon!

She wears them everywhere I let her... including our walks!

We went to the Civita splash pad today! No pictures, but one cute video!

And we are finally getting somewhere with sharing....

or maybe not.

50 weeks!