Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Nooo?" and other words

Xinyi is so vocal now! My favorite thing is that she is answering everything with "no." But it sounds more like "Nooo?"

Baby do you want to eat breakfast? "Nooo?"
Baby it's time to go... "Nooo?"
Baby do you see the letter Y? "Nooo?"

She wants to be so independent! This is her sitting in her swing, refusing help and refusing everything because she wants to buckle herself in. Baby do you want help? "Nooo?"

Sometimes she has a firm "no" but most of the time it has the intonation of a question at the end. It cracks me up!

Two weeks ago, she woke us up in the middle of the night crying/calling for "Mommmyyyy!!!" "Moooommyyy!" It's the first time she's called for me instead of just crying. I'm not sure if I'm proud... or .... :)

Here is my baby bird looking for food!

She also is understanding she can really communicate with words now. She often says things like, "Race?" when she wants daddy to race with her. She will say, "Find ____" when she wants help finding a toy. She even says, "Watch Elmo." (Of course, it's Elmo.) and "Watch Abby." (her new favorite Sesame Street character)...

Here is Xinyi with Nai Nai!

Xinyi had her first taste of rain, thunder and lightning two days ago. She watched the rain fall outside the front door like watching TV! She also started asking for "rain" yesterday morning. I told her the rain is gone, and she said, "More rain!"

Oh and she's been saying "Airpee!" for airplane. It's so cute!

Here is baby driving with daddy. Don't worry, we are parked :).

Baby girl loves her cousins, and her cousins love her!! Well, here it looks more like Gemma loves Archie, but she loves Xinyi too!

And the secret is out, we are having another baby girl in April 2017!

Xinyi is going to be a big sister!!

She did refuse to take a picture with mommy at the pumpkin patch though...

I'm not sure why she is pointing to the sky. She desperately wanted to ride the big kid rides, and then got scared once she got close to them. So maybe, she is telling me, mommy, let me plaaayy like a big kid!

Finally, Grammy and Grampy got baby girl an Elmo hat!

She loves it!

We couldn't get a good picture of the Elmo face, but it's there! "Elllmooooo!"

She also likes to yell, "Bus!!" for her favorite song, "The Wheels on the Bus..." Yup, we've made it to that stage... :D. But she continues to say more and more every day. She handed me something and said, "Hold" and watched me eating yogurt and said "Yogurt!" She asks daddy to "race" with her all the time, and told the football players on the TV to "run, run, run!" She surprises us all the time with new words and phrases... we love it and we love her!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Baby Cheese Please!

So this happened... in only a quick drive from our home to the local Vons. No more than a minute... Usually, I keep the jar of wipes down on the floor where baby can't reach them. But that earlier that particular day, I had to put her in the car from the driver's side because someone parked too close to the passenger side. I reached down, grabbed the jar, wiped her hands, and left the jar there...

Xinyi decided to investigate... and pulled out half of the jar of wipes... :).

Mommy and baby at Gymboree!

Baby stacking some new blocks she got this week!

And when we went out for Grampy's birthday, she posed as the Corona man!

Hi! Says baby girl! This week, baby looked at me and said, "Baby cheese please!" -- her one and only three word phrase! So cute!

Princess Xinyi!

This week, we went to a preschool resale sale and found a Latch Puzzle Board that mommy has been wanting to get baby! She loves it!

And on Saturday, mommy and Pheme went to get a best friend mommy without baby mani pedi! Mommy got sparkly nails and felt like a five year old... a happy five year old!!

Hi Yeh Yeh!

"Hi mommy!"


"Mommy pray!"

Yesterday, baby and mommy took a nice stroll around the neighbhorhood. Baby loves to be outdoors! And the other day, when we got home, baby heard some noise by the front door and looked at me and said, "Daddy home?" 

Keep on verbalizing little girl! Love you so!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Two word phrases!

When Xinyi wakes up, she likes to tell me something right away. Some days she says, "Elmo." Other days, it's "mommaaa!!!" and other days it's "Cheese" and other days it's "Dada." Sometimes it's a simple "Up." No matter what it is, it cracks me up... because she's very insistent. "Elmo... elmooo.... eeellllmooooo." "Cheese, cheese, cheese."

Yesterday morning, baby woke up and immediately said, "Cheese!" and I asked, "Would you like some cheese?" "Ya!" "Okay." Then, she saw the ladybug on her wall and shouted, "Bee!!!" followed by "Eight, nine, ten." Such a silly girl!

And on a very exciting note, Xinyi has finally started saying two word phrases!!!

This week she's said:
- "more Elmo"
- "Elmo please"
- "hi cat"
-"more cat"
- "daddy shoe"
- "bye bye daddy"
- "Mommy cheese"
- "Bye bye fish"
- "More cereal"
- "Mommy pray"
- "Baby pray"
- "More owl!"
... and so many more!

I love the little ponytail!!!

She's actually been saying "Elmo ya!" while nodding her head for a while now... but I didn't consider it a phrase. Now I realize, she was always saying, play Elmo for me mommy, that's what I want! Ya!

That is where the phrase Daddy shoes came from :D.

She's also understading more complex concepts and saying new words all the time!
The other night, she spilled milk on herself (quite a bit of milk) and she came up to me and said "Ba" asking for a bath!

She also loves to copy what momma is saying, even if she doesn't know what it means. Yesterday, I said "Niiice!" and she said, "Niiiceee!"

Xinyi is getting ready to read to the big teddy bear.

Now shes getting ready for a performance?

Now she is reading to puppet Elmo and daddy!

We're so proud of you little girl! You are growing up!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hap Hap Happy!

Xinyi's vocabulary has started to ramp up! This week, she's copying every word she can, including happy! She also says that bunnies hop :).

This week, Nai Nai joined us at Gymboree!

So happy!


Baby girl finally let mommy put her hair in a ponytail! Only because we found some hair ties that don't pull! So cute!

What a little girl!

We also found a new game, called rearrange the granola bars...

If you were around for the great biscotti game, this is very similar... I fear by the end of the game, the granola bars will become granola... not bars :).

Here's baby at a story time - completely immersed.

Oh wait, hi momma! Clothing credit to MaeLi Rose! Adorable!

Gotta take a selfie!

Over the weekend, Xinyi had some fun with her cousins and with Grammy and Grampy!

Kids eating cake!

Trying to play piano with three little monkeys :D.

Posing with Grammy in a doll stroller!

And playing with beads!

She has such concentration! 

Last night, Grampy and Daddy played Ring around the Rosie with baby girl... such a cute thing!

And they all fall down!

That's the part she loved most!! Happy!