Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Baby learned how to say baby this week!! She says "bay-bee" and it melts my heart!!!

Lots of pictures to share this week, starting off with Xinyi with Gem and Archie!

More happy selfies!

Baby girl hates having stickers on her... but I had to, it was too cute!

Cousin Nathan came over to play too, and Nai Nai pushed them in her makeshift train!

I don't know what they are looking at... :D!

We visited Great Grandpa Chuck and Peaches... and Grammy pulled out snacks and looked up to see tiny seagulls saying "Mine, mine mine!"

Yay cousins!

Family photo!

Uncle Ben making Xinyi laugh!

And with Nai Nai, celebrating her birthday!

And some funny pictures ensued with Auntie Christina!

Xinyi still loves her books!

Wait, more funny pictures, superhero this time!

And a flower,

And a panda!


Hello, world!

And lastly, a new fun thing baby is doing is playing pretend with her mini toy house!

You are such a joy, sweet Xinyi!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Smile for the selfie!

Xinyi had many adventures this week, so we have many pictures to share! We started the week off just lounging around :).

Then we visited a new library in San Diego with a fabulous playground!

So fun!

Then we played with some camera filters - pretty digital flowers!

Some snuggle time is always welcomed!

When Xinyi wants to listen to music, she puts her finger on her cheek or near her ear, it's adorable, and she also does it at least 5 times a day. She loves toddler tunes!

On Saturday, we went to Sea World with Nai Nai! She loved all the shows!

Wow! Look at that face!

Looking at fishies!

Cousin Nathan and Yeh Yeh (and Uncle Ben and Auntie Christina) came and joined us for dinner!

Then we found some kids willing to share their bubbles with us!

We went on the sky ride...

and up the tower thing, too!

Xinyi loves hugging stuffed animals, she cuddles them so cutely!

Then we went to another story time and learned a new alphabet song :).

Finally, we had another playdate with cousin Nathan!

Oh yes, and the newest thing Xinyi has learned is to smile for the selfies she tries to take of herself! Apparently, momma takes too many selfies with the baby, and now she thinks that any rectangular shaped object held in front of her means she should smile big... it's actually kind of hilarious. :D.

Our little sunshine!! Until next week :).

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Animal sounds!

Not too many pictures this week, but Xinyi now knows a lot of animals and animal sounds!

So far she knows:
Cow says "ooooooo"
Sheep says "baaaa"
Horse says "neigh!"
Puppy says "pff pff" (she blows air out of her cheeks
Kitty says "mmmm" 
Snake says "tssssss"
Monkey says "ahh ahh!"
Elephant says "mmmmm!" while she raises her right arm up like the elephant's trunk!

She also knows all those animals, along with tigers, giraffes, lions, fish, owl, and a few others too!

Nai Nai is taking baby for a walk in her stroller!

Xinyi has finally got Salute down! She saluted a few times for Great Grandpa Chuck! And then of course, cheesed her way to Great Grandma Peaches' camera!

On mother's day, we took a picture with Nai Nai!

Baby has so much personality, she cracks us all up! Here she is grinning at momma after making another face that looked a lot like she was saying, "What do you mean you don't know what I want momma??" It was adorable!

Love you baby girl!!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Little cheeser

We started the week off with a visit to Grammy's house, complete with borrowed toy vacuum. 

Then we picked up Gemma and Archie from school,
And played!!!

Little girl loves to smile, all big with her eyes closed and teeth grinning! This is from playing with her bread turtle from Boudin!

Xinyi has been trying to figure out how to put on her toy glasses for a while. 

She figured it out and was so happy!

We took baby to the Birch Aquarium and she looooved the room with the giant fish! Look at her pointing!

Picture with daddy 

Oops sorry I'm not looking momma, look there's an ocean!

Baby also can't be bothered for pictures sometimes,

There are things to do and people to smile at!

We hungout with baby Athena again and now she's standing!

So cute!!

More cheeser smiles!!

Sweet sleep :D

And here Xinyi is dancing to "shake my sillies out!"

It's her favorite song right now!

Other cute things she's done:
When she sees mommy peeking around a corner at her, she leans over, smiles, and waves "hi" frantically!

She loves to walk around on her tip-toes, like a ballerina! She also likes to get into somersault mode, without ever somersaulting. It's hilarious!

She's learned how to climb into cold sized chairs, how to climb up stairs, back down stairs, and she's known for a long time how to get up and down from the couch!

When Xinyi wakes from a nap, she often rolls around for a while, clutching lovey and resting a little longer. When she's done resting, I often hear her say, "Ma-ma." I love it!!

With all the change that has been going on, baby girl has been more clingy and shy - it takes about 5-10 minutes to get settled wherever we go, unless of course it's to see Grammy and Grampy or back to see Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai.

Finally, Xinyi loves to roll around on the ground, run around to explore new areas and new places, and is just a wonderful little cheeser!