Thursday, April 30, 2015

Four months old!

Xinyi is four months old!

At the recommendation of our pediatrician, we started Xinyi on baby oatmeal yesterday!  She was not a fan :(.  We will keep trying, and hopefully she'll take a liking to something soon!  Our happy drooly baby wishes you a happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Seventeen weeks old!

Xinyi is seventeen weeks old!  She is going through her four month sleep regression and growth spurt so there are a few less pictures.  It was a good week though!  Yeh Yeh and Nai Nai came to help mommy on Saturday because she had been up 7 times the night before!  She is a calmer baby in general, but is still very good at very loudly making her displeasure known when she is displeased :). We love her so!

Baby girl in her special outfit from auntie Carrie!

We took another bible study picture but everyone was distracted by the baby!

Pictures with Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh

She's giving us some great laughs now, but since I can't figure out how to put video on the blog, I'll show you screen shots instead :).

I wish you could hear those giggles!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sixteen weeks old!

Xinyi is in a tutu!  But I also love this photo too, for her adorable cheeks :)

Baby girl is sixteen weeks old and filled with new skills!  This past week, Xinyi has:
- rolled over for the first time
- grabbed her little feet with her little hands
- used both hands to grabs toys
- and has put everything possible into her little mouth.

She's also been super clingy and hard to put down for naps.  We think she's going through one of her wonder weeks, but otherwise she's our little doll!  So fun and so tiring!

This is one of my favorite sights to see at the end of the day :).

Here is Elvis Clara, or a preview of what she might look like with hair!  Lighter color hair of course.

Xinyi has a ruffle butt!

And she loves to make faces, especially unflattering ones :P

Mommy put Xinyi in her bear jacket, complete with little ears, because she's going to outgrow it soon!
She was very excited about it :D, look at that face!

Xinyi has tiny hands compared to daddy.  Daddy loves her so!

Sixteen weeks of stealing our hearts!  Keep those smiles coming baby girl!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fifteen weeks old!

Xinyi is fifteen weeks old!

You can't quite see it but she has a kitty on her dress :).

This week was a momentous week!  I had a doctor's appointment and I left Xinyi with Shane.  He got our nap-fighting baby to nap!!!  I was and am so proud of him!  Getting Xinyi to nap is no easy feat :).  But she is now napping in her mommaroo much more often than she is napping in mommy's arms, yay!

Xinyi's also getting quite used to her bedtime routine, which includes a healthy dose of story time!  She loves having us read to her and always stares intently at all the pages as we turn them!  Once she's down for the night, she is going at least 5 to 6 hours straight and usually sleeps 12 hours total a night!  Such a a great sleeper!

On Saturday, Xinyi's Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh came to visit and help babysit!  They took some fun pictures too :).

Look at that double chin!!

Then on Sunday, Xinyi was dedicated in church!  Shane prayed a beautiful prayer over her and so did 
Pastor John.  Such a blessing to have such men of faith pray over her at such a young age :).

She was so good on Sunday, lots of smiles and so cute in her dress!  

We love our little girl!

I think this shirt is so cute!!  I think the girl wearing the shirt is even cuter!

Xinyi is starting to do mini push ups during tummy time and we're trying to teach her to roll over.  Hopefully soon!!

Xinyi says bye for now!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Three month thoughts

put on a necklace yesterday that I hadn't worn since the day Clara was born.  In a way it was a tiny symbol to myself that I can and will choose to find beauty in the way our baby was born.  Before she was born, I bought a pearl pendant and chose very consciously to wear that pendant during labor and delivery.  Before we went to the hospital, I made a little note in my mind that I would give her the pendant when she turned 16, as a special reminder of how much she means to us.  How we've been thinking of her and praying for her since before she was born.  When labor didn't go as we imagined, and when it was clear I was going to have to have a csection, the nurse asked me to take off my necklace.  No jewelry in surgery.  I was so sad and so disappointed.  I tried to put the necklace back on a few days after she was born and I couldn't bring myself to do it. Yesterday, I finally could.  I know it's a silly thing, and such a little thing, but it made me very happy to put the necklace on.  I still plan to give Xinyi the pendant when she turns 16.  And I still plan to tell her how much she means to us, and how we've thought of and prayed for her since before she was born.  I guess I'm happy to say nothing has changed.  She was carried in my belly and birthed out of me and is and will always be my baby.

People say that women forget about the pain of childbirth as soon as they see their baby.  That wasn't true for me.  It took me several weeks to not be haunted by labor and delivery, and it's been more than three months and I haven't forgotten the pain.  But what has happened is the joy of loving and raising Xinyi has overshadowed the memories of that experience.  I look at our daughter and see a beautiful, vivacious, loud and wonderful child.  I see a gift of life, as Shane prayed during her dedication yesterday.  I see her toothless grin and her happy shimmy when I wake her up in the morning, and it makes my heart overflow.  I see how her daddy adores her, and how she adores him, and I adore them both.  Even when she cries and screams from being overtired or overstimulated, I still whisper in her ears, "I love you my baby."

The past three months of new motherhood have been the most challenging time of my life.  I still remember the many nights of face planting into the comforters of our bed while trying to will myself to get up to feed the baby because I was so exhausted from not having slept for more than a few hours for a basically a month straight. I remember feeling so lost and confused because this tiny baby had so many needs and we knew so very little about how to meet those needs fast enough and well enough to keep her cries at bay.  I remember endlessly Googling questions at ridiculous hours of the night and morning about sleep training and baby milestones and weight and height percentiles.  I still do that.  I remember texting my sister in laws because oh my God, I have no idea what I'm doing!  But then I also remember holding her tiny hands and staring at her tiny face, knowing she was ours.  I have spent many hours and many just being in awe of our tiny human.  I remember the first time I got her to smile at me, to laugh, to grab a toy, to enjoy her bath.  Those moments are moments I hope I never forget.  I know the challenges are just beginning, but there is nothing quite like being a first time mother.  The pure stream of fear and love mixed together.  Fear that you'll do something wrong and love for the tiny screaming human that you used to have inside of you.  All on top of some serious sleep deprivation.

When Xinyi smiles at me, that beautiful toothless gummy smile, I get why people say you forget the pain of childbirth.  They don't meant you forget it, they just mean you have too much joy overflowing in your heart to remember or dwell on the pain.  Motherhood is a beautiful and messy thing -- nothing makes sense and everything makes sense.  I think I'm starting to not make sense, so I'll leave it at this... I'm so grateful that our little girl made me a mother.  She is our everything!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Fourteen weeks old!

Xinyi is 14 weeks old and has been in our lives for a year (counting pregnancy)!  It's crazy to think she used to be this little poppyseed inside me and now she is longer than my torso!  She loves to coo and talk and giggle and suck on her fingers.  She started batting and grabbing at toys this week and is a master at tummy time!  We went to San Diego for Easter to see family and everyone spoiled her with hugs and kisses even when she was crying!  Her newest nick name is "claradactyl" because she loves to squeal with delight and sounds just like what we imagine a teradactyl might sound like!

We love our little bundle so much!

All the Farnham great great grand babies minus Archie!  The girls are wearing matching dresses :D

Everyone at Easter :)

And later that same day...

Nathan and Clara bonding

Xinyi finds her uncle fascinating!

But the aftermath of all the excitement was one tired baby!

No wait, she had a nap, it's time to play again!

Until next week!